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Top 10 Feature Wall Trends, According To Instagram - kayasushica

Top 10 Feature Wall Trends, According To Instagram

Top 10 Feature Wall Trends, According To Instagram


Whether it’s panelling, a two-tone effect, or geometric patterns, the feature wall is more popular than ever and, as Instagram has become the go-to source for inspiration, you’re sure to find some unique design ideas for your home that you can adapt for your own living space.

But what exactly are the standout trends when it comes to feature walls this year?

Dulux has taken a look at the most-used feature wall hashtags on Instagram (#GalleryWall, #FeatureWall, #AccentWall) to find the most liked images, and analysed the recurring trends among these top posts to uncover the 10 biggest trends of the year.

The analysis found: Panelled walls made the top of the list being featured in 65 per cent of the top posts, geometric shapes were featured in 47 per cent of top posts, whilst grey was featured in 38 per cent of the top posts.

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Panelled walls

Panelled walls have topped the list with 65 per cent of the posts analysed featuring them. Wall panelling has seen a real resurgence in recent years – it’s available in a range of styles and mouldings to suit your tastes, from subtle tongue and groove to elegant geometric designs.

Why is it so popular? It can create an instant look of sophistication whilst covering up or hiding uneven walls to create a clean slate on which to paint, as well as protecting your walls from general wear and tear.

However, if you’re not quite ready to tackle DIY on your walls, you can get the panelled wall effect by adding some primed MDF boards and painting over it. Or, you can create the same effect with two similar shades of paint. Alternatively, skip painting altogether and get wood panel effect wallpaper, like this design from I Love Wallpaper.


Geometric paint patterns

Geometric paint patterns have become hugely popular – it’s a simple, low cost way to create something truly unique. They come in at second on Dulux’s list, being featured in 47 per cent of top posts.

‘From simple minimalist designs, to bold and beautiful shapes filling entire walls, all it takes is some masking tape or homemade stencils and your choice of paint colours to create something eye-catching to put your own personal stamp on your home,’ Dulux explains.

READ MORE: Modern geometric room decor ideas


Coordinating a feature wall with a classic white wall

A splash of colour can brighten up and add character to an otherwise dull room, but when done deliberately, it’s the contrast that is key. 47 per cent of top posts show that a boldly coloured accent wall can be a great contrast to plain white walls to create a real statement. In particular, deep teals, blues or reds can create a striking, modern look that really steals attention.


Plain walls with no accessories

When it comes to creating a feature, the temptation can be to make a statement with shelving or framed pictures to inject personality into your room. But a plain coloured feature wall can be just as much of a statement as one loaded with things to look at. According to 41 per cent of top posts, sometimes less is more.


Plain grey walls

Any surprises here? Grey has become a top favourite paint colour due to its versatility, which is why it’s featured in 38 per cent of top posts. Grey can be both warm or cold, modern or traditional and calming or energetic, and it works with pretty much any colour scheme.

‘Try pairing lighter shades of grey with darker blue colours for a polished and sophisticated look, or use bright yellows to add a spark of electricity and sunlight to your room,’ Dulux suggests.

READ MORE: Grey colour scheme ideas from an interior stylist


Bedroom feature walls

Most commonly, a feature wall is used to create more of a focal point and will make the perfect backdrop to a bed.

The experts at Dulux explain: ‘If you have architectural elements on an alternative wall, such as a fireplace or the entrance to an en-suite or walk-in wardrobe, this could lend itself perfectly to becoming the accent wall. Feature walls can be used to add depth and the illusion of space to smaller rooms, so experiment with painting an accent wall at the far end or on the side of the bed to maximise your room’s potential.’


Grey wood panelling

As featured in 26 per cent of top posts, combining panelling to a wall and painting it grey is a winning formula.

‘Grey paint can create or enhance any mood, and it can really help to make the features of your panelled walls pop because of how it interacts with light and shadow to create a striking focal point in any room,’ Dulux explains.


Neutral walls

A feature wall can work just as well in neutral colours to create a calming and warming space, as seen in 24 per cent of top posts. Neutral colours can add a real sense of depth and texture to a room and will complement a range of accessories and furnishings from woods, suedes and furs to chrome and glass.


A plain white wall

When we think of a feature or accent wall we tend to think in terms of a darker or bold contrast to the other lighter walls in your room, but 21 per cent of top posts show that a plain white feature wall can really stand out against other walls of differing colours or shades.

The beauty of white paints is that they really do go with anything. Whether your other walls are pastel blues or deep plum, a plain white feature wall will always make a statement.


A white fireplace

‘Before the TV became commonplace in many modern living rooms the focal point of the room was always the fireplace. White fireplaces have become more popular recently, as seen in 12 per cent of top posts, as they offer another point of contrast to other colours that may be in the room,’ Dulux says.

A well placed fireplace alone can be enough to make any wall a feature wall, but paired with bold, bright colours and patterns you can really be sure to bring that focal point right back to its former glory.

Follow House Beautiful on Instagram.

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